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It is a great time to renew your IASPHA membership! Visit our Membership Tab to join online or download a form.

The IASPHA Spring Show will take place April 11-13 at Beyond Stable Farm in Woodstock, IL, with Jolene Galvin-Yerkie serving as our judge. We are excited to kick off the IASPHA show series and can’t wait to welcome everyone for a great weekend of competition and camaraderie. All the prize book details and horse show information can be found here. We look forward to seeing you soon for another fantastic show!

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To bring our members more information and conversation, IASPHA has created the Stable Minded Podcast with hosts Gabby Greco and Bob Griffin. Plans are to publish monthly episodes that include interviews and discussions about topics that are of interest to our IASPHA horse show community.  Check out this month’s episodes that look at why we started a podcast and the second is a candid interview with Gabby.  


Stable Minded is currently available on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube. CLICK on the link of your preferred streaming platform below to start listening!​

  • YouTube
  • Spotify
  • Apple Music


The Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association was founded by a group of pleasure horse enthusiasts in 1971 to promote the use of the American Saddlebred as a pleasure horse. Our horse shows were some of the first in the country to offer western pleasure, classic, hunt seat, show and country pleasure divisions. We still offer a full compliment of pleasure horse classes for our membership. 


Over the years IASPHA has adapted to the changing needs within our industry. Starting in 1971 with one pleasure horse show, IASPHA now sponsors 3 shows offering classes in all performance divisions. We also have a large number of affiliated  shows where members can earn points toward year end champion and reserve champion High Point Awards. We invite you to join our family fun atmosphere where we  focus on the enjoyment of the American Saddlebred.  


IASPHA has been very successful in realizing its goals over the past 50 years. We are currently one of the largest American Saddlebred Association charter clubs in the nation with an active and involved membership.


IASPHA also created and sponsors the National Pleasure Equitation Olympics, a prestigious leg in the Pleasure Equitation triple crown. We are excited to join forces with the Monarch Series Championship Horse Show, the host for this exciting event!


All IASPHA Horse Shows are registered with the World Championship Horse Show


April 11-13

Jolene Galvin-Yerkie


July 25-27



Oct 24-26

Amanda DuPont

Lisa Hillmer

Join Us at Beyond Stable Farm in Woodstock, IL!

Please Note:

The Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association would like to announce qualification requirements for the National Pleasure Equitation Olympics. The requirement to achieve a certain point total in qualifying classes has been removed. Riders must show in one Pleasure Equitation class on an American Saddlebred pleasure horse to qualify. Eligibility to compete in the National Pleasure Equitation Olympics is limited to those riders who show ONLY American Saddlebred Pleasure Horses in equitation during a given competition year and have not reached their 18th birthday.


The 2025 IASPHA Horse Show Series will be governed by the Equine Sports Council. The Equine Sports Council provides rules and standards, marketing, support and education to their network of horse shows with an emphasis on integrity, sportsmanship and safety. For more information visit


Member of the Monarch Horse Show Network.



2025 ASHBA Star Show

Saddlebred classes will be judged using the American Saddlebred and Half Saddlebred breed rules for competition found at this link:

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